Why Clean Water

Water is a basic human right. Access to clean water and sanitation is fundamental to our survival. The lack thereof can have devastating consequences and hugely impact the prosperity of a community. Even a $1 investment in water and sanitation can bring economic returns anywhere from $3 - $34. Water also matters because it reduces health risks and healthcare costs, decreases the chances of crop loss, and increases the time available for children, especially girls, to have access to an education. Furthermore, clean water is not just a problem that we have to solve today, it's a problem for the future. By 2025, half the world’s population will be living in water stressed areas. Pollution is killing biodiversity and contaminating water supplies. Climate change has also caused severe droughts and floods. Addressing the effects of climate change by providing clean and sustainable water infrastructure is only part of the solution. The rest is up to us, as an individual and as a community, to implement changes that minimize our carbon footprint and bring awareness to the inequitable access to water.